About Me

I'm a HUGE Ian Somerhalder fan. I love The Vampire Diaries. Married for 19 years with a 15 year old son. Cancer Survivor!! Whoo Hoo!! 4+ years... With me what you see is what you get.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

No SUN here!!

It seems as if the sun has not been out in ages. For the past week we've had nasty weather of course due to the winter storm. We are blessed to have electricity because alot of people in our area and surrounding areas do not have it. They are saying it could take up to 10 days. We've had alot of company for the past couple of days. Last night we had our friends over with there 2 boys. Derek cooked a nice hot meal for them and they were so thankful. Linda let the boys stay with Dylan so they had alot of fun. The night before last he had 2 other friends over for the night. They just about drove me insane. I don't know what it is, but Dylan acts different around certain people. He behaves more around his friends that were here last night. I guess he knows he can be himself around them and with other people he has to try to live up to their expectations of him . . . . acting like a dork!! Okay, so speaking of the sun, I still do NOT have sunburn on my bottom. Thank you Lord!! So we have been playing Yahtzee alot lately because there's not alot else to do. Our cable went out which meant our vonage phone service was out also. We have had cell phones though. Oh, and speaking of cell phones . . . Dylan got a new one this week, and I swear he's gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome from texting ALL DAY LONG!! What did I ever do without a cell phone so I could text all my friends?? Oh, my best friend lived long distance, so I had to send snail mail every day during the summer. How crazy is this world now? And Obama . . . don't even get me started on him. I'm surprised he's still up in the White House and not laying around dead somewhere. What has this world come to? It seems that "OUR PEOPLE" of the US are so dumbfounded they don't even know why they voted him in in the first place. Ask any of his supporters, and they can't even tell you why. They are not educated on this aspect at all. That's how we got into this mess. We were at the shooting range over the weekend, and there were LOTS of high power rifles / shotguns around okay. So I see this man that I know and am introducing him to Derek. Well he goes on about saying . . . We elected HIM as OUR President. . . and Derek interrupts him and says, "Uh, NO . . . WE did NOT elect him. I voted for McCain!" It was so funny because all the other people around were McCain supporters as well. Derek says, "He's NOT MY President!" So funny. But oh so sad. So I say to him, "Honey you might not want to talk politics around other people with high powered weopons." I froze my butt off while we were there and eventually went to sit in the truck while D and D were still having fun. Dylan has been sledding twice today. He is supposed to go again tomorrow with some friends. My friend Anita called around 12pm today and wanted to come pick him up so he could have fun with her kids. They're alot younger than Dylan, but they had lots of fun. Then I picked him up after radiation and took him to meet Linda, Russ and the boys at Bunker Hill. BH is a HUGE hill and wonderful to go sledding on. I'll put some pics up of him at Rock Creek soon. I wasn't able to take pics at BH because something strange happened with my brand new camera!! Ticked me off, but I'm over it now. Well I hope you and yours are nice, warm and cozy well into this weekend and upcoming week. Take care.

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